Pediatric Heel Pain

Heel pain is a common childhood complaint. That doesn’t mean; however, it should be ignored or that parents should wait to see if it will “go away.” The most common cause of pediatric heel pain is a disorder called calcaneal apophysitis, painful inflammation of the heel’s growth plate, which typically affects ages 8 to 14. However, heel pain may be the sign of other problems that may occur at younger or older ages.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Pain in the back or bottom of the heel

  • Limping

  • Walking on toes

  • Difficulty participating in usual activities or sports

  • Trouble keeping up with friends

  • Pain with increased activity

Diagnosis and Treatment


Treatment depends on the diagnosis and severity of pain. Dr. Hanawalt will review the cause of your child’s pain and develop a treatment plan to return your child to a pain free, active state and advise on prevention of recurrence of pain in the future.